GreyWolf Projects' Tim Mueller and Nel Applegate have extensive experience
with people with developmental disabilities, especially autism. We can provide help with budgeting
and spending discipline management, community inclusion and working with people with musical interests, behavioral and community support plans, person centered planning, private service coordination, facilitation and mediation. Working independently or with
Full Access Brokerage, Mentor OREGON, Social Security, SSI, or other providers,
we will come to you to help you:
- develop supports based on your needs
- work towards a career in music or the arts
- develop a budget plan and savings goals
- develop methods to help you track your expenses
- help you develop good habits to stick to your
- protect your confidentiality
- work with you bank to monitor your spending levels
- Provide community inclusion supports
- Assist in developing behavioral support plans
- facilitate or mediate team meetings
Rates are $24.00 per hour and up.
Tim Mueller PSW #754497
Call or e-mail today - 541-521-7208